для людей з порушеннями зору
Комунальна установа «Сколівський інклюзивно-ресурсний центр»
Сколівської міської ради

Activities of the IRC during the war

Дата: 11.12.2022 16:05
Кількість переглядів: 315

Фото без описуCommunal institution Skole Inclusive-Resource Centerof Skole Municipal Council provides services to individuals with special educational needs, who reside (study) in Skole, Slavske, Kozova territorial communities under the condition of submitting relevant documents. In the case of servicing individuals with special educational needs from other administrative-territorial units or territorial communities, the inclusive-resource center informs about them the founder and the relevant body for education management not later than on the 15th day of the month following the day of submission. Mobile inclusive-resource center, which is the vehicle of special designation, equipped for the conduction of complex evaluation and systemic qualified accompanying of individuals with special educational needs, works as well.

Фото без описуCommunal institution Skole Inclusive-Resource Center conducts

- complex evaluation, including repeated, and  systemic qualified accompanying of individuals, in case of establishing that they have special educational needs;

- provision of recommendations to educational institutions concerning the development of individual programs of the individual development ;

- consultation of parents, other legal representatives of the individual with special educational needs concerning peculiarities of her development;

- (in case of necessity) engagement of pedagogical personnel of inclusive-resource center during the meetings of the psychological and pedagogical council in special institutions of general secondary education;

- provision of psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental, and other services to children with special educational needs:

- children of early and preschool age, not attending preschool educational institutions;

- сhildren obtaining education in the form of pedagogical patronage;

- determination of the need for an assistant for the student and/or accompanying of the child with special educational needs in an inclusive class (group);

-  determination of the level of support of the individual with special educational needs in the educational institution;

- provision of consultative, psychological help to parents, other legal representatives of the individual with special educational needs;

- informing the community on the activity of the inclusive-resource center and interaction with local bodies of the executive government, bodies of local self-government, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, institutions (organizations) of social protection of the public, services for childrens affairs, public organizations, etc;

- registration of the individuals, who addressed the inclusive-resource center, forming their electronic list in AS IRC;

- in case of detection of difficult life situations and/or risks for the life and health of a child, immediately informs the service for childrens affairs at the place of residence of a child, territorial subdivision of National police;

- in case of necessity engages additional specialists, in particular healthcare workers, employees of social services, specialists of other inclusive-resource centers, employees of the institutions of preschool education of compensatory type, special institutions of general secondary education and education-rehabilitation centers.

     According to the Provisions on inclusive-resource center No. 545 of July 12, 2017, and with amendments made according to Resolutions No. 617 of  22.08.2018, No. 983 of 21.10.2020, No. 765 of 21.07.2021, as well as amendments, made in conditions of war  No. 493 of 29.04.2022, No.  979 of 30.08.2022:

- the tasks of the inclusive-resource centers were extended;

- additional guarantees to individuals with special educational needs, who were forced to change their place of residence or stay, were provided;

- the use of documents in the mobile application Diiawas permitted;

possibilities for individuals, who suffered because of military actions and received psychological traumas were foreseen;

- in case of necessity it is necessary to provide psychological support to temporary displaced individuals (including their families), territorial defence fighters, individuals, who received psychological traumas during military actions and other tasks, which are determined by the military-civil administration with consideration of the specialty of the pedagogical personnel of the inclusive-resource center.

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