для людей з порушеннями зору
Комунальна установа «Сколівський інклюзивно-ресурсний центр»
Сколівської міської ради

Open hearts to Ukraine

Дата: 11.12.2022 15:44
Кількість переглядів: 657

Фото без описуSymbolically, on the 5th of December, exactly on International Volunteer Day, two cars went from the UK to Ukraine with a humanitarian mission. It was organized by an open-hearted man with a kind soul, Jonathan Knight. On the 8th of December, he arrived in Skolivshchyna. The purpose of this mission was to help people affected by the war, the ones, who forcibly became temporarily displaced people, as well as people with disabilities and children with special educational needs.

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Having visited each person, having talked to everyone, Jonathan expressed his  support, assessed the needs of people, distributed toys and sweets among the children, which were collected and sent by their peers from the UK.

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The rest of the humanitarian support  (medical equipment, children's clothes and shoes) was delivered to the Communal institution “Skole Inclusive-Resource Center” of Skole Municipal Council. It will be soon distributed by the institution to the people in need. Every thing will find its owner.

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Volunteers help to change the course of this war and change history. Their activity is the basis of the development of society and embodies the noblest desires of people, namely the desire for peace, independence, security and justice for all humanity.

Фото без описуWe want to express our deepest gratitude to Jonathan Knight and all contributors, who put their heart and soul into supporting Ukrainians during the most turbulent times.

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